I am a full-time traveling registered nurse, fitness enthusiast, and nutrition expert. Every morning I wake up intending to bring awareness of the importance of health and spiritual wellness, especially to the traveling community. At Messy Bun Traveler, we promote travel that allows the traveler to either kick-start, maintain, or enhance a healthy lifestyle. So whether you're someone who travels for business, travels for pleasure, or new to travel and looking for health advice while on the road, this blog is for you!
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Going on vacation is always a fun way to escape the everyday and relax, but it can also be tough to get back into the swing of things when you return. Whether you’ve been gone for a few days or a few weeks, getting back into your exercise routine can seem daunting. But don’t worry – we’ve got eight simple ways to get in a post-vacation workout!
After coming home from an unforgettable vacation, sometimes the mere thought of getting back into your exercise routine seems a bit daunting.
Although an excellent boost for your mental health and well-being, vacations and travel adventures can put a small dent in your physical health—and that’s okay.
A vacation may get you a little off track, but that doesn’t mean your fitness routine should have to melt away into nonexistence.
So the question is—how do you get back into exercising after a nice, long break?
Don’t punish yourself for taking a break – enjoy your time off!
Way too often, the importance of resting gets left in the dust as we put more of a priority into work, our social life, and house chores post-vacation.
Only after we’re feeling cranky, burnt out, and just downright exhausted from jet lag that we stop and think—damn, I need a nap!
Getting the proper amount of sleep, especially post-vacation is vital to our overall health and wellbeing. If you’re adequately rested and feeling rejuvenated, you’ll be more inclined to pick up where you left off in your exercise routine.
If you’re genuinely feeling unmotivated to get back into your old fitness routine, it may be time to find something new you’ll enjoy! There are so many possibilities of fitness classes out there—I’d be here all night listing them all!
Yoga on the beach is always a fun alternative!
I can tell you that my favorite “quirky” fitness classes I’ve ever taken are Zumba, yoga, and even pole dancing fitness!
Many gyms and dance studios offer new member passes or free trial classes, so don’t be afraid to find something that will best suit you! Exercising after a vacation is a little bit easier if you can find something you enjoy!
Sometimes it can be useful just to dial it back a few notches from where you were pre-vacation to account for some muscle fatigue and endurance fatigue.
Don’t set yourself up for failure with unrealistic expectations of working out for an hour straight seven days a week. Instead, try starting out will a light walk or jog outside to get yourself moving.
If you need to, just get yourself dressed. The rest is sure to follow.
If you like to do strength training, dial down your reps or lift lighter weights. It might be tempting just to start right back up where you left off, but you’ll feel less overwhelmed if you start small and work your way back up.
As soon as you start with something small and feel good, you’ll get back into your healthy routine soon enough.
When we spend too much time focusing on the effort it takes to get us back on track, we forget all the great benefits and “post-workout highs,” we feel when we work out. Workouts can be hard at the moment; they can even be hard mentally to get started, but you will always feel amazing afterward.
Sometimes we need something a bit more concrete to commit fully. For this reason, I recommend planning your workout days in advance and adding them to your weekly planner.
You should be treating them more like doctor’s appointments or meetings. Once you get back into the swing of things, exercising after vacation will become a more natural part of your daily routine.
Dustin and I enjoy competing in Spartan races—especially after taking a break from working out for a vacation. Signing up for a race forces you to prepare, kind of like taking a test! Click here to find upcoming races near you!
And, to top it off, there are so many resources on the Spartan Race website including a “workout of the day” exercise, clean eating meal plans, and a community of individuals who continue to push each other to be the best they can be!
Setting goals is a great way to boost your motivation for getting back to working out. Similarly, signing up for a race gives you a purpose and reason to get back into the gym. Just ask yourself, “where do I want to be in six weeks?”
Is it to be able to run a mile in under 10 minutes? Is it to have developed a solid habit of going to the gym five days a week? Make a goal—and work towards it!
To keep yourself accountable, find a good workout buddy that can join you on your exercise journey! It will give you that little extra push needed to get back on track. You can help encourage each other because there’s always strength in numbers!
When it comes to getting back to working out after vacation, it’s best to ease back into your routine by starting with a light workout. Here is a list of simple, easy post-vacation workouts to get you going!
Start back into your routine by doing some lower body strength training. I like this video.
Grab a pair of dumbbells and get ready to hit the upper body. This includes arms, shoulders, upper back, and chest. If don’t have access to a gym or dumbbells, check out this quick 10-minute arm workout!
Try a quick 20-30 minute low-impact cardio workout to get the heart rate pumping. I like this video.
Yoga is a great practice to have, especially for frequent travelers. Do some simple exercises and yoga poses to help release tight hips, hamstrings, and the lower back.
On day 5, focus on some full-body compound movements that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. Compound exercises include moves like deadlifts, bench presses, squats, and pull-ups.
Feeling good? Why not try some fun HIIT workouts or engaging cardio like walking, hiking, jogging, or biking.
A week of post-vacation workouts! You did it! It’s time to relax and reset. Getting back to working out gets easier and easier as you gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. Use this day to rest and stretch, and plan your next week of workouts!
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