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wellness activities in amsterdam

Amsterdam has been a popular European destination for many years. And for a good reason. Within this one city, you can experience picturesque canals, colorful tulips, famous, awe-inspiring Dutch art, and a mouth-watering diverse cuisine. You’ll experience a unique culture like no other and an abundantly friendly atmosphere. While Amsterdam is famously known for a […]

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January 19, 2020

the messy bun traveler

Last month, the Messy Bun Traveler turned one year old! To celebrate this remarkable achievement, as well as recognize the start of the new year, I thought I’d write a post dedicated to highlighting achievements, and some failures, of the Messy Bun Traveler. I’m thankful for what this past year has brought and hope it […]

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January 10, 2020

travel health

So you’ve probably stumbled across about a hundred blog posts about the many health benefits of travel (hell, even I have a post about it). You’ve also probably scrolled through your Instagram feed and come across pictures of influencers in Paris, New Zealand, and Bali shooting some incredible photos of themselves doing some incredible things. […]

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November 13, 2019

wellness travel

Have I ever shared the reason why I started traveling? I didn’t grow up in a home that often traveled. In fact, my dad still deems it very unsafe to do so. I didn’t have a ton of friends who liked to travel either. I grew up in a small conservative town where everyone gets married super young and starts popping out babies like produce on a conveyer belt.

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October 7, 2019

You’ve heard the term “self-care” booming in popularity over the last three years, but how much do you really know about the practice? Self-care has become all the rage- its term is used in websites, newspapers, magazines, and online blogs. These social platforms provide the public with guides on the

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August 16, 2019

As a registered nurse and frequent traveler, I tend to get asked questions related to travel health and wellness quite often. Some of these questions are very specific to the individual—and therefore need to be followed up by their own private doctor or nurse practitioner.
Some are very common, universal questions

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July 19, 2019

what is healthy travel

The term “healthy travel” can encompass so many different things. Here at Messy Bun Traveler, I write content that dives into three key aspects of healthy travel: 1. Physical Health: keeping up a healthy diet and active lifestyle while on the go. 2. Mental Health & Wellness: taking care of your

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July 13, 2019

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