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best travel exercise equipment

I want to start by saying congratulations on committing to your health and fitness while traveling. As a full-time traveler myself, I understand how difficult it is to maintain a stable workout regime while continually being on the go. I recognize how difficult it is sometimes to find a local gym, not to mention; not […]

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December 30, 2019

wellness travel

Have I ever shared the reason why I started traveling? I didn’t grow up in a home that often traveled. In fact, my dad still deems it very unsafe to do so. I didn’t have a ton of friends who liked to travel either. I grew up in a small conservative town where everyone gets married super young and starts popping out babies like produce on a conveyer belt.

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October 7, 2019

spartan race

Competing in Spartan obstacle course racing is something I’ve been doing for years and thoroughly enjoy! This September, Dustin and I traveled to North Lake Tahoe and competed in the Spartan World Championship Weekend Beast Race for our second time!

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October 4, 2019

There are many reasons to consider packing at least a handful of healthy travel snacks for your next trip. Packing your own healthy travel snacks will help you resist the temptation to buy something unhealthy (and frankly, quite expensive) while waiting for your flight at

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September 19, 2019

As a responsible traveler, you arrive in the airport at the airline’s recommended time frame- 2 hours for domestic or 3 hours for international. To your pleasant surprise, you zipped through check-in and TSA security with plenty of time to spare! Now, you find yourself with over an hour

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August 1, 2019

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